Peterborough Business Project Blog

This personal journal by the editor describes the creation and growth of an online news and information service for a city's business community

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Meeting with Peter Hall, Wadenhoe

ONE of the emails that came in yesterday was from a former colleague from the old Emap.

Dave Phillips now runs Nene Valley Media with his partner, Charmaine, and he was interested in the Peterborough Business idea.

He does a lot of work for his neighbour in Wadenhoe, Peter Hall. Peter runs a successful management training and development organisation from Wadenhoe Hall.

Dave was very keen for me to meet Peter, so I squeezed in a lunchtime meeting with them.

I like Peter a lot and I'm interested in his ideas about business. I think I might be able to persuade him to contribute to Peterborough Business. His opinions will make interesting reading.

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